Section titled Check%20if%20string%20not%20use%20standard%20ASCII%20characters
Check if string not use standard ASCII characters
import (
func isASCII(s string) bool {
for _, c := range s {
if c > unicode.MaxASCII {
return false
return true
// isASCII("홍길동") false
// isASCII("Hong Gildong") true
Use case: If I have duplicate email but different name, so prefer the native string or ASCII string we can easily determine which name we use
- González vs Gonzalez - pick González
- Yamada vs 山田 - pick 山田
- 홍길동 vs Hong Gildong - pick 홍길동
Section titled Normalize%20normal%20alphanumeric%20characters%20if%20using%20non%20ASCII
Normalize normal alphanumeric characters if using non ASCII
import (
func isASCII(s string) bool {
for _, c := range s {
if c > unicode.MaxASCII {
return false
return true
func Normalize(s string) string {
if !isASCII(s){
return norm.NFKD.String(s)
return s
// Normalize("James") -> James
Use case: if the string is more commonly written in the common ASCII set of characters, prefer the ASCII version.