Palindrome Rearrange

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Given a string, find out if its characters can be rearranged to form a palindrome.


For inputString = “aabb”, the output should be solution(inputString) = true.

We can rearrange “aabb” to make “abba”, which is a palindrome.

The condition of string to become palindrome is all character count must be even and only allow maximum 1 odd character. For example:

  • aabb -> abba or baab a = 2 b = 2

  • aaabb -> ababa or baaab a = 3 b = 2

  • Using hash byte of int to store character frequency

  • Loop inputString to counter total char

func solution(inputString string) bool {
    charCount := make(map[byte]int)
    for i := range inputString {
    oddCount := 0
    for _, count := range charCount {
        if count%2 == 1 {
    return oddCount <= 1

Init total odd frequency as zero.

Iterate hash charCount to find out how many odd frequency.

Return true if odd frequency is less than equals 0

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