Given a date string in the format Day Month Year, where:
Day a string in the form “1st”, “2nd”, “3rd”, “21st”, “22nd”, “23rd”, “31st” and all others are the number + “th”, e.g. “4th” or “12th”. Month is the first three letters of the English language months, like “Jan” for January through “Dec” for December. Year is 4 digits ranging from 1900 to 2100. Convert the date string “Day Month Year” to the date string “YYYY-MM-DD” in the format “4 digit year - 2 digit month - 2 digit day”.
1st Mar 1974 → 1974-03-01
22nd Jan 2013 → 2013-01-22
7th Apr 1904 → 1904-04-07
The conversions are:
20th Oct 2052 → 2052-10-20
6th Jun 1933 → 1933-06-06
26th May 1960 → 1960-05-26
20th Sep 1958 → 1958-09-20
16th Mar 2068 → 2068-03-16
25th May 1912 → 1912-05-25
16th Dec 2018 → 2018-12-16
26th Dec 2061 → 2061-12-26
4th Nov 2030 → 2030-11-04
28th Jul 1963 → 1963-07-28
Since golang have powerful date parsing, I use directly with cleaning uncessary data such as st,nd,rd,th
and space before parsing in the golang way.
package main
import (
func Solution(inputs []string) []string {
outputDateFormat := "2006-01-02"
// cleanup with replacer
r := strings.NewReplacer("th", "", "nd", "", "rd", "", "st", "")
for i, input := range inputs {
cleanup := strings.TrimSpace(input)
t, _ := time.Parse("_2 Jan 2006", r.Replace(cleanup))
inputs[i] = t.Format(outputDateFormat)
return inputs
Simple solution and you can try online at Mostly the confusing parts is format date in Go itself.
Here some guidance from source
description | values |
stdLongMonth | ”January” |
stdMonth | ”Jan” |
stdNumMonth | ”1” |
stdZeroMonth | ”01” |
stdLongWeekDay | ”Monday” |
stdWeekDay | ”Mon” |
stdDay | ”2” |
stdUnderDay | ”_2” |
stdZeroDay | ”02” |
stdUnderYearDay | ”__2” |
stdZeroYearDay | ”002” |
stdHour | ”15” |
stdHour12 | ”3” |
stdZeroHour12 | ”03” |
stdMinute | ”4” |
stdZeroMinute | ”04” |
stdSecond | ”5” |
stdZeroSecond | ”05” |
stdLongYear | ”2006” |
stdYear | ”06” |
stdPM | ”PM” |
stdpm | ”pm” |
stdTZ | ”MST” |
stdISO8601TZ | ”Z0700” // prints Z for UTC |
stdISO8601SecondsTZ | ”Z070000” |
stdISO8601ShortTZ | ”Z07” |
stdISO8601ColonTZ | ”Z07:00” // prints Z for UTC |
stdISO8601ColonSecondsTZ | ”Z07:00:00” |
stdNumTZ | ”-0700” // always numeric |
stdNumSecondsTz | ”-070000” |
stdNumShortTZ | ”-07” // always numeric |
stdNumColonTZ | ”-07:00” // always numeric |
stdNumColonSecondsTZ | ”-07:00:00” |
stdFracSecond0 | ”.0”, “.00”, … , trailing zeros included |
stdFracSecond9 | ”.9”, “.99”, …, trailing zeros omitted |